Sunday, July 20, 2008

Anti UP

Its so easy to be critical when u r out of the fence, but now, I'm facing a ' Hang cakap hang Tera, Hang Buat La' syndrome. Suddenly, my fingers are numb and my palms sweating, looking left and right clawing for ideas on what to write. So much data in the head, just need to figure out the tools to drill it out.

Basically, I took this task upon myself becos I've had enough of it. I can't live in a society full of UPs ppl. I've always contemplated with myself, wheter I shd just tell them straight to the face or keep it quite and let it rest in the drawer. Well, more often than not, I went with the latter.

We need to understand that we live in a society, that's the KEY. Every actions and every words, will impact us and the ppl surrounding us, the ppl that we love. We need to protect their feelings and their emotions. Lets face it, at the end of the day, their HAPPINESS is your HAPPINESS, and their sadness.....

Next update I will start to define what is up ppl. And hopefully I can accompany my lectures with some real life example to illustrate what I meant.

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